

(402) 465-2487
hkhalil [at] cnyan.net (hkhalil[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


以下是辅修家庭研究所需的课程. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 社会学和人类学学位.

必修课程 8小时
SOC 1110社会学导论 4个小时
SOC 1350/SOC 2350家庭社会学 4个小时
选修课程 8 - 12小时
从下列课程中选择三门. 必须来自三个不同的学科.  
COMM 2500家庭通信  
嘘3550/HIST 4550性别 & 狂野的西部  
SOC 2530人口与环境  
SOC 3260社会学思考:性别  

COMM 2500家庭通信 (3小时)

Family Communication is designed as an introduction to communication phenomena in the context of the 家庭. The overall goal of the course is to help students understand how, 通过沟通, 我们开发, 维护, 增强, 或者扰乱家庭关系. Students will learn theories focusing on the communication patterns and practices that shape 家庭 life.

世界文学主题:性 (4小时)

Each course in the Topics in World Literature group will study a selection of literary works that engage the chosen topic--texts of different genres, 从历史上看, 来自不同的文化传统. The selected readings will present both abstract principles involved in the topic and its im媒体te, 生活的现实.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
性别 & 狂野的西部 (4小时)

见HIST 4550性别 & 狂野的西部.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – U.S.
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
HIST 4550性别 & 狂野的西部 (4小时)

从美国西部到狂野西部的妇女? 美国西部的性别.
This course highlights the history of the North American West through the lens of 性别 from precontact to present, and explores topics of myth and stereotypes; 性别 roles in the home, 家庭, and community; as well as addressing questions of 比赛, class, 和种族.  HIST4550符合HIST3550.  The requirements of the courses are the same EXCEPT that a research paper is required for students in 4550.
Prerequisite(s): HIST 1010 Topics in United States History to 1877, or permission of the instructor.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – U.S.
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
心理学3360儿童和青少年发展 (4小时)

Students will have the opportunity to broaden their perspective of and appreciation for the developmental processes that occur in the early developmental periods of childhood and adolescence. The course will follow bioecological and other systems perspectives with a strong focus on diversity in childhood experiences. Topics will include 社会化 of children and attitudes about childhood and child-rearing; self and identity processes; 家庭 interactions; peer interactions; and educational experiences, 都来自不同的文化背景. Additional attention will be spent on less common childhood circumstances such as living on the street, 暴露于战争或激烈冲突之中, 以及创伤和暴力的经历.

Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science; PSYCH 2350 Lifespan Development or by permission of instructor.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, and 包容 – Global
SOC 1110社会学导论 (4小时)

This course is an introduction to using the sociological perspective as a method of 社会 inquiry. 学生探索文化等基本概念, 社会化, 社会结构, 社会互动, 社会变革. They study and apply the theories and research methodologies used to investigate human 社会互动. 这些概念适用于种族等社会话题, class, 性别, 家庭, 犯罪, 人口, 环境, 和其他人.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
SOC 1350家庭社会学 (4小时)

参见SOC 2350家庭社会学.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
SOC 2350家庭社会学 (4小时)

This course offers an analysis of various interrelationships of men and women with emphasis on love, 求爱, 婚姻, 和家人. 机构, 社会, and policy perspectives are presented in a cross-cultural and historical frame of reference to clarify the dynamic relationship between the 家庭, 它的成员, 更广泛的U.S. 社会. The requirements of the 2350 course are the same as the 1350 course EXCEPT that students in the higher course number complete a field interview project that involves significant writing and which fulfills the writing instructive designation of Archway.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
SOC 2530人口与环境 (4小时)

This course examines the demographic and 社会 dynamics of 人口 size, 作文, 和分布. It addresses the relationships among 人口, human health, development and the 环境. 强调跨文化. A major focus is the development of a semester research paper contrasting the status of the Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals, 环境状况, 以及发达国家和欠发达国家的健康状况.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Humans in the Natural Environment Thread
SOC 3260社会学思考:性别 (2小时)

This course uses the sociological perspective to explore sex and 性别 relations as major features of 社会 life. It considers the 社会 construction of 性别 (including the creation of masculinities and femininities) and examines the impact of 性别 ideologies on the 社会 positions of 性别ed individuals. 特别是, 它强调这些社会地位(如性别)的方式, 比赛, 社会阶层, 性取向, 等...) create and perpetuate the inequalities embedded in its 社会 institutions (like the 家庭, 经济/工作, 宗教, 媒体, 等...).

先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
整个生命周期的家庭暴力 (3小时)

This course will expose students to the various types of violence experienced by individuals and families across their lifespan. An introduction to various theories used in working with survivors of abuse will be presented and students will learn about bruises and fractures associated with child abuse. 社会“主义”的影响, 文化, 性别, and sexual orientation related to violence will be incorporated into the material being discussed.

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
戏剧文学2040:家庭 (2小时)

This speaking-instructive dramatic literature course examines how definitions and concepts of 家庭 have been represented in dramatic literary works. 通过阅读, 讨论, reflecting in writing and making oral presentations about a variety of dramatic works drawn from diverse perspectives students will consider how changes in cultural and institutional 环境s impact definitions of 家庭 and how concepts of 家庭 are interconnected with other with other 社会 institutions.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive