


(402) 465-2341

Smith-Curtis 109
(402) 465-2169
jlk [at] cnyan.net (jlk[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


Computer Lab 地点和设备
Residence Hall Computer Lab Locations

Labs across campus and in residence halls provide access to hundreds of Macintosh and Windows-based personal computers, as well as to the campus network and the internet. 另外:

  • Macintosh labs can be found in Olin Hall of Science, Rogers Center for Fine Arts, and Lucas Hall;
  • Windows-based computer labs are located in Olin Hall of Science and Old Main;
  • Two computer labs in Olin Hall of Science provide 24-hour access to approximately 45 computers; both Macintosh and Windows-based computers are available.
  • Fifty computers are available in the residence hall general use areas. Evenly divided between Macintosh and Windows-based computers, the general use areas are open to residents 24 hours daily.
  • Microcomputer Resource Learning Center (MRLC) in Cochrane-Woods图书馆 contains more than 50 computers, roughly half running the Macintosh operating system and half running Windows.
  • 卫斯理大学的IT学生 work to improve technology experiences on campus for students, 教师, and staff and serve to connect Computing Services with the larger campus.



  • You may use NWU Computing Resources for activities relevant to your role at NWU.
  • You may use NWU Computing Resources for academic and educational purposes, including involvement in professional organizations.
  • You must respect the access rights of other members of the NWU community and of the larger internet community.
  • You may use NWU Computing Resources only while you are a currently enrolled student, 一个员工, or a 教师 emeritus of 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学, or as a participant in an on-going program of the University.
  • You may use NWU Computing Resources for your personal entertainment or communication, but must relinquish the resources if they are needed for an academic or educational purpose.
  • You must use NWU Computing Resources in an ethical and responsible manner.
  • You must abide by all security restrictions on NWU Computing Resources.


  • You may not allow another person to use your username and password, nor use another person’s username and password, to access NWU computing resources.
  • You may not use NWU computing resources to support or advocate any commercial, 政治, or nonprofit organization without the written permission of the NWU Administration.
  • You may not use NWU computing resources for any illegal or deceiving purpose including, 但不限于, unauthorized copying of software.
  • You may not violate other NWU policies in your use of NWU computing resources.
  • You may not be wasteful of NWU computing resources, use them unfairly, or disrupt their intended use.
  • You may not intentionally damage NWU computing resources.
  • You may not use NWU computing resources for unauthorized access to other resources.
  • Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in disciplinary action according to standard University policies and procedures.
  • 的 Code of Student Conduct includes as conduct subject to disciplinary sanctions that relating to theft or other abuse of University computer resources.

Email Message and File Privacy 
NWU respects the privacy of email messages. 然而, 安全, 责任问题, and business may require the University to access any email on its system. All materials on or in NWU computers are the property of NWU and accessible by NWU administration.


Microcomputer Resource Learning Center (MRLC)

  • 地点: Cochrane-Woods图书馆
  • 硬件: 28 HP dc5800sff, 26 iMac 20”, 2台HP 4240n打印机, 2台爱普生扫描仪, 2 Epson PowerLite digital projectors (for instructor use), 2个VCR/DVD播放器
  • 小时:
    星期五,早上7:45.m.–5 p.m.


  • 地点: 奥林科学馆,113室
  • 硬件: 28 HP, HP 4240n打印机, 爱普生扫描仪 and Epson PowerLite digital projector (for instructor use), 录像机/ DVD播放器
  • 小时: 用钥匙24小时开放
  • Otherwise available during normal building hours


  • 地点: Olin Hall of Science, Room 132
  • 硬件: 17 iMac 20”, HP LaserJet 4240n打印机, 爱普生扫描仪, Epson PowerLite digital projector (for instructor use), 录像机/ DVD播放器
  • 小时: 用钥匙24小时开放
  • Otherwise available during normal building hours


  • 地点: Old Main, 217房间
  • 硬件: 24 iMac 21.5”, HP LaserJet 4100n打印机, Epson digital projector (for instructor use), 爱普生扫描仪 and Canon color inkjet printer
  • 小时:
    Sunday – Thursday, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm


  • 地点: 卢卡斯·霍尔,104室
  • 硬件: 15 iMac 20”, 8台爱普生扫描仪, 1台HP LaserJet 4250n打印机, Epson PowerLite digital projector (for instructor use), 录像机/ DVD播放器
  • 小时: Limited by semesters’ class and studio schedules


  • 地点: Rogers Fine Arts Center, Room 168
  • 硬件: 8 iMac 17”, 8 Yamaha keyboards, 1 HP LaserJet 4050n printer
  • 小时: Open during normal building hours

Residence Hall General Use Areas


  • 硬件: 2 Dell Optiplex 755, 2 iMac 20”, 1 HP LaserJet 4240n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放


  • 硬件: 7 Dell Optiplex 755, 7 iMac 20”, 1 HP LaserJet 4240n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放


  • 硬件: 5 Dell Optiplex 755, 4 iMac 20”, 1 HP LaserJet 4240n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放


  • 硬件: 4 Dell Optiplex 755, 4 iMac 20”, 1 HP LaserJet 4240n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放


  • 硬件: 5 Dell Optiplex 755, 4 iMac 20”, 1 HP LaserJet 4240n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放

White and Heim Suites, First Floor

  • 硬件: 1 Dell Optiplex 755, 1 iMac 20”, 1台HP LaserJet 4250n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放

White and Heim Suites, Second Floor

  • 硬件: 4 Dell Optiplex 755, 3 iMac 20”, 1 HP LaserJet 4240n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放

White and Heim Suites, Third Floor

  • 硬件: 3 Dell Optiplex 755, 4 iMac 20”, 1 HP LaserJet 4240n打印机
  • 小时: 24小时对居民开放