

(402) 465-2273
mtrenkam [at] cnyan.net (mtrenkam[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


想要获得B的学生.F.A. 要获得学位必须得得B.F.A. 间隙. In order to qualify, students must complete or be currently enrolled in required art core courses (ART 1050艺术研究, ART 1300绘画入门, ART 2300中间图)以及一门艺术史入门课程, introductory (1000-level) courses in both 2-D and 3-D media. 申请人的平均成绩必须不低于3分.在复习的时候,所有美术课的成绩都是100分. B.F.A. 间隙 will be held concurrently with the annual portfolio review that is required for art majors. The art department faculty will evaluate the portfolio and inform the student of its decision to allow for time to plan schedules.

基础课程 8小时
ART 1050艺术研究 4个小时
ART 1300绘画入门 4个小时
艺术历史 16个小时
ARH 1030FYW非西方艺术史调查 4个小时
ARH 1040FYW西方美术史调查 4个小时
Two 艺术历史 elective courses (must be 3000-level or 4000-level) 8小时
工作室课程 44小时
Drawing/Painting/Printmaking — Select 2 courses from the following: 8小时
ART 2300中间图  
Ceramics/Metalsmithing/Sculpture — Select 2 courses from the following: 8小时
ART 1070创意技术导论  
ART 1700雕塑入门  
ART 1800金属锻造入门  
Digital Media/Photography/Time-based Media — Select 2 courses from the following: 8小时
ART 1200数字媒体导论  
ART 1500摄影入门  
选修课 20个小时


Must include completion to fourth level in one medium or to third level in two different media.

组合评价 0小时
艺术2880大二作品集审查 0小时


高级作品集评审 0小时
顶点课程  4个小时
ART 3980少年课题 2小时
ART 4980高级综合 2小时


ARH 1030FYW非西方艺术史调查 (4小时)

This course surveys the art of “Non-Western” societies from prehistory to the present. 讨论的文化包括南亚和东南亚, 中国和日本, 非洲, cultures of the Americas (Pre-Conquest and Native American). The term “Non-Western” traditionally refers to cultures that initially developed outside the realm of Western culture and at some distance from the European artistic tradition. The term is not only excessively broad but also problematic, 因为它暗示着对西方艺术的反对. 我们将探讨这些问题. The main objective of the course is to provide students with a global perspective on the richness and diversity of art produced by the cultures studied. It also considers the impact of colonization and globalization on the treatment of artworks from non-western cultures and the development of new art forms.

拱门的课程: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year Writing
拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, 包容 – Global
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Going Global Thread
ARH 1040FYW西方美术史调查 (4小时)

This course is a general survey of artworks of “western” cultures from prehistory to the present. “Western” typically designates art produced in Europe or the Americas in the European tradition, 但这个术语有时可能不精确,而且存在问题. 我们将探讨其中的原因. This course provides an overview of both typical and exceptional artworks from the western tradition; artworks range from tiny to colossal, 相对短暂的到永久的, 从粗糙到精心制作, 从平凡到神圣. We will typically discuss artworks in roughly chronological order. Ultimately students will learn the range of artworks produced by each culture, 这些艺术品是如何制作的, 为什么他们看起来是这个样子, 以及它们的作用. They will also develop the skills to analyze, discuss, write about the visual arts.

拱门的课程: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year Writing
拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: 多样性, Equity, 包容 – Global
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Going Global Thread
ART 1050艺术研究 (4小时)

This studio art course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts and techniques for creative production + problem solving + presentation. We will aim to expand your understanding of what you can achieve and what interests you through experimentation with time, 表面, space as well as a thoughtful exploration of the elements and principles of 2D, 3D, 4D艺术与设计. 虽然本课程将涵盖一些技术的想法, 材料, 和过程, this is primarily a course where our goal will be to develop our ideas and strategies for how to engage an artistic practice that takes place across material + dimensional boundaries based on the needs of "the work" and the concepts behind it.


拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
ART 1070创意技术导论 (4小时)

This course will support creative projects through the introduction of the digital technologies necessary to construct them. Each student will receive a membership to the makerspace in Lincoln, 内布拉斯加州创新工作室(NIS), for the duration of the semester; classes regularly meet at that location (2021 Transformation Drive, 1500套房). 在NIS, 学生将有机会使用3D打印机, 激光切割机, 乙烯基刀具, 数控铣床, 工业缝纫机, 长臂绗缝机, 还有木材和金属商店. Students will be introduced to the basics of Adobe Illustrator and 3D modeling software in order to communicate with the technology. 实验, 协作, 社区的对话, resource and skill sharing are central components of the course.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Innovation Thread
艺术1100绘画入门 (4小时)

A studio art investigation of the basic principles and techniques of oil painting. Students will become familiar with various tools and 表面s and will be introduced to the technical processes of painting such as color mixing, 直接画, 底层色, 渐淡, 混合漆, 玻璃, 忽听得. The study of painting in contemporary art and art history will inform and give context to each project. Attending and/or participating in local art exhibitions and artist lectures is required. Various levels (1-4) of this studio art medium may meet together. 每个级别的课程要求是不同的.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
ART 1200数字媒体导论 (4小时)

This studio art course provides an introduction to digital concepts and techniques for creative media production + problem solving + presentation. Throughout the semester we will explore the 可能性 for multifaceted, 跨学科, 以及复杂的艺术实践形式. As participants in this journey we will aim to understand how we, 作为文化生产者, 参与媒体制作和消费, 我们与数字平台的关系, we will consider how digital tools have changed our experience of the world and how we can use these tools to create and comment on our experiences. Through technical demos you will be introduced to the software and techniques of digital processes for artists - including digital imaging, 动画, 数字空间, 以及视频和音频的编辑. While you will acquire skills that can be applied to the presentation and production of traditional art and graphic design, emphasis will be placed on digital technology as a distinct art medium, its implications for creative expression and cultural production.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
ART 1300绘画入门 (4小时)

A studio art investigation into drawing as a tool for thinking, observing and questioning. Students will become familiar with fundamental techniques and concepts such as line, 价值, 形式和视角. 将使用各种干燥介质和表面. Formal and in-progress critiques will be held throughout the semester. Attending and/or participating in local art exhibitions and artist lectures is required. Various levels (1-4) of this studio art medium may meet together. 每个级别的课程要求是不同的.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
艺术1400版画入门 (4小时)

Introduction to the techniques of printmaking; relief print, serigraph, intaglio, lithography. Emphasis on the study of the print as a multiple original with introductory edition printing. Focus on basic design concepts with introductory historical investigation related to printmaking. Various levels (1-4) of this studio art medium may meet together. 每个级别的课程要求是不同的.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
ART 1500摄影入门 (4小时)

This course explores digital photography as a tool and resource with a wide range of expressive and creative interests. 数字处理,如图像捕获, 编辑, 印刷将是这门课的重点. we will also address issues pertaining to the circulation and distribution of digital imagery in contemporary culture. 在这门课程的发展中, 你可以使用数码单反相机, 傻瓜相机照出的相片, 还有照相手机.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
艺术1600介绍陶瓷 (4小时)

This course provides a basic foundation and understanding of clay - its nature, 属性, 可能性, 和局限性. Students will be introduced to basic throwing and hand-building techniques in clay, 包括捏, 卷取, 平板结构, 以及表面装饰和烧制. 超越技术层面, students are expected to work to develop conceptual problem solving within the context of the contemporary ceramic field. Various levels (1-4) of this studio art medium may meet together. 每个级别的课程要求是不同的.


拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
ART 1700雕塑入门 (4小时)

This course is an introduction to the basic language of sculpture, spatial concepts and technical processes as they relate to sculptural practices. Students will investigate three-dimensional design principles, 雕塑的策略, themes employed throughout history and contemporary object making. A broad range of processes and versatile 材料 are explored including tools and equipment used in metal and wood fabrication, 石膏模具制作, 以及加法和减法构造方法. 除了, students will gain knowledge and observe professional standards of shop conduct and safety. Various levels (1-4) of this studio art medium may meet together. 每个级别的课程要求是不同的.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
ART 1800金属锻造入门 (4小时)

This course introduces students to basic tools and construction techniques in metalsmithing for use in jewelry/small sculpture fabrication. Although other 材料 may be introduced into a design, 镍, 铜, 黄铜将是主要的媒体. 超越技术层面, students are expected to work to develop beginning conceptual problem solving within the context of the contemporary metalsmithing/jewelry field.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Creative and Performing 艺术s
ART 2300中间图 (4小时)

A class focused on the multifaceted importance of the figure in drawing. Through weekly life drawing sessions with a model and the study of the figure as a conceptual and formal foundation, students will begin to develop a drawing practice that is crucial in ideation and as a primary medium for expression. Formal and in-progress critiques will be held throughout the semester. Attending and/or participating in local art exhibitions and artist lectures is required. Various levels (1-4) of this studio art medium may meet together.? 每个级别的课程要求是不同的.

先决条件:ART 1300绘画入门

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
艺术2880大二作品集审查 (0小时)

The 艺术部门 requires all art majors to complete an annual Portfolio Review. The Sophomore portfolio will include examples of art work completed during their study at Nebraska Wesleyan. Each sophomore student will meet individually with the full faculty to discuss their portfolio and their ideas for future direction in their work. The work presented at the review must be documented and uploaded to Digication. To be taken during the spring semester of the sophomore year.
F P /只.
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): ART 1050艺术研究, ART 1300绘画入门, either ARH 1030FYW非西方艺术史调查 or ARH 1040FYW西方美术史调查.

art3880初级作品集审查 (0小时)

The 艺术部门 requires all art majors to complete an annual Portfolio Review. Junior level students are expected to begin exploring a personal art practice which develops outside of individual classes.The purpose of this course is to provide guidance and keep students on track toward the graduation requirement of a final exhibition. All the faculty meet with each student to discuss both development of form and content in the student's work. 在大三的秋季学期进行.
F P /只.

ART 3980少年课题 (2小时)

 To be taken during the spring semester of the junior year.  Students will begin to formulate an inclusive portfolio of their work and a thesis for presentation in the Senior Comprehensive. Students will participate in regularly scheduled portfolio critiques and will be required to address relevant questions in a comprehensive written thesis. 
先决条件:ART 3880初级投资组合审查.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
高级作品集评审 (0小时)

The 艺术部门 requires all art majors to complete an annual Portfolio Review. Senior level students are expected to continue working with a personal practice that will culminate in a body of work exhibited during the senior exhibition. All the faculty meet with each student to discuss both development of form and content in the student's work. To be taken during the fall semester of the senior year.
F P /只.
先决条件:ART 3880初级投资组合审查.

ART 4980高级综合 (2小时)

旨在为艺术专业的高年级学生准备毕业, 本课程包括策划经验, 促进, 并开设了一个高级画廊展览. Students and instructor will work together to prepare professional resumes and portfolios, 包括艺术家的书面声明吗. 包括画廊讲座, 向公众介绍, 还有艺术系老师的离职评估.
Prerequisite(s): ART 3980少年课题 and 高级作品集评审.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive