

Below is the coursework required to minor in marketing. For an overview of this program, see 商学学位.

需求 21小时
营销小 (21小时)
BUSAD 2000 Principles of 市场营销 3个小时

*市场营销 focused electives

**市场营销 focused electives; These courses are offered remotely via NWU’s partnership with a Consortium. The partnership allows students to earn NWU credit for specific courses. Classes are designed by top academics and industry leaders, 由NWU审核, and taught by experts in the field.


BUSAD 2000 Principles of 市场营销 (3小时)

学生通过介绍战略营销规划的基本原理和营销组合的发展来研究市场营销在社会中的作用. Topics include buyer behavior, market segmentation, 分布, 定价政策, communication strategies, and product development.
(Normally offered each semester.)

BUSAD 2150 Social Media 市场营销 (3小时)

本课程探讨如何有效地利用社交媒体来推动消费者采取行动. To be a successful marketer, you must be able to plan a campaign that aligns with strategic goals, execute using the appropriate channels and tactics, and measure the success or failure of your efforts. 本课程是由低成本模型联盟提供的在线课程. The class has optional live sessions.

先决条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理的成绩为C-或以上.

BUSAD 2250 Email 市场营销 (3小时)

电子邮件营销对现代企业至关重要,也是任何熟练营销人员工具包中的主要工具. 本课程将教你制作成功的电子邮件营销活动的销售, 订婚, 和激活. By the end of this course, 你会知道如何写电子邮件,推动客户采取所需的行动,以及如何组织活动,以获得最大的效果. You'll also build your marketing campaign. 本课程是由低成本模型联盟提供的在线课程. The class has optional live sessions.

先决条件:第一年的写作课程,并且在BUSAD 2000市场营销原理中取得“C-”或更高的成绩. BUSAD 2150 Social Media 市场营销 is recommended but not required.

BUSAD 2350 Viral and Organic Growth (3小时)

"Going Viral" is the goal of most web-based marketing content. 那些能够生成能够通过互联网有机传播的内容的公司在品牌发展方面是最成功的. 本课程将教你是什么驱使人们分享内容,并建立可共享和模因价值的内容. By the end of this course, 你将了解是什么驱动病毒式分享,并学习如何促进它. 本课程是由低成本模型联盟提供的在线课程. The class has optional live sessions.

先决条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理的成绩为C-或以上.

BUSAD 3350 搜索 Engine: Optimization and 市场营销 (3小时)

How do you find what you're looking for on the internet? Chances are, you turn to a search engine. 公司使用搜索引擎优化(SEO)和搜索引擎营销(SEM)来确保你每次打开搜索引擎时都能首先看到它们. By the end of this course, 您将学习如何优化网站,以显示在搜索和建立搜索广告,将驱动客户到您的网站. 本课程是由低成本模型联盟提供的在线课程. The class has optional live sessions.

先决条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理的成绩为C-或以上.

BUSAD 3400 Promotional Strategy (3小时)

专注于开发营销传播中使用的促销工具的适当组合, including advertising, 促销活动, 公共关系, 赞助, 购买点, and personal selling. 考察促销策略与沟通过程的关系. 学生为一个地区的企业制定一个整合的营销传播计划.
先决条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理的成绩为C-或以上.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

BUSAD 3500 Consumer Behavior (3小时)

Application of behavioral science theories, 概念, 方法, 并将研究结果以对消费者行为的理解和预测作为营销管理者决策的依据. Designed to provide additional insight into sociological, 心理, 影响消费者决策过程的环境因素及其对营销策略的重要性.
前提条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理成绩达到C-或以上,并有1000或2000级的口语指导课程.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
BUSAD 3600 Negotiation (3小时)

This course presents the fundamentals of business negotiation, strategies and tactics of a variety of negotiation styles and contexts, 除了…之外, individual differences and negotiation across cultures. Negotiation principles are 分析d through readings, 情况下, 课堂讨论, 演讲, 以及演讲嘉宾. 课程中通过各种谈判练习提供了这些原则的应用.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

BUSAD 4200 市场营销 Management (3小时)

本课程从领导者的决策角度出发,强调营销经理在制定和分析目标导向的营销策略中的作用. 学生探索营销决策如何影响整体发展,包括市场研究, 促销活动, 定价, 分布, and competitive strategies.
先决条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理的成绩为C-或以上.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

BUSAD 4300 International 市场营销 (3小时)

学生将研究美国公司在寻求跨国界拓展市场时所面临的机遇和挑战. Analysis includes a study of international marketing barriers, 文化模式, adapting the product line to international markets, selecting channels of 分布, 定价策略, and international communication strategies.
前提条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理成绩达到C-或以上,并有1000或2000级的口语指导课程.

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Going Global Thread
BUSAD 4350 Digital 市场营销 Analytics (3小时)

Today, marketing professionals have access to incredible amounts of data. 使用这些数据的能力是区分成功与失败的营销努力的关键. 在本课程中, 学生将学习如何使用各种工具分析数字客户行为数据,并使用这些数据来测试营销假设并改善客户获取. 本课程是由低成本模型联盟提供的在线课程. The class has optional live sessions.

先决条件:BUSAD 2000市场营销原理的成绩为C-或以上, Department approved Math class*, 和BUSAD 2150社交媒体营销或BUSAD 2250电子邮件营销或BUSAD 3350搜索引擎:优化和营销.

*A department-approved math course includes: MATH 1100 College Algebra, MATH 1450 Finite Mathematics or MATH 1600 Calculus I.

BUSAD 4600 业务 Ethics (3小时)

本课程探讨在现代商业舞台上发现的伦理问题和道德困境. 研究组织的经济绩效与其社会义务之间的冲突. 讨论了各种经济理论、法律法规和哲学学说. Contemporary Western moral philosophy, historic and contemporary Christian ethics, and social theory provide a context for the course. Case studies are integrated throughout the semester.

(Normally offered each spring semester.)

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
拱门的课程: Justice Thread
BUSAD 4700 Entrepreneurship (3小时)

Students use multidisciplinary business skills to identify, 分析, 并针对小型企业的各种问题和机遇执行切实可行的管理解决方案. The major projects preparation of an actual business plan. 来自社区的讲座和演讲嘉宾帮助学生更清楚地了解理论研究与实际商业世界之间的联系.
先决条件:初级地位和“C-”或更好的成绩在ACCT 1310会计原则I, BUSAD 2500管理原理和BUSAD 2000营销原理, or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Innovation Thread
COMM 2600 Mass Media (4小时)

A study of the development of types of media including books, 报纸, 杂志, 广播, 电视, 和电影. 这些媒体的相互作用及其对社会和个人的影响也包括在内.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Democracy Thread
COMM 3200 Persuasive Communication (4小时)

在不同的交际语境中研究说服的理论和实践. 学生将被要求将这些概念应用到课堂外的劝说情境中.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
(Normally offered each semester.)

拱门的课程: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
拱门的课程: Integrative Core: Power Thread
COMM 3300 Public Relations (3小时)

公共关系课程是对公共关系本质的研究, the persons involved, its relationship to public opinion, and the channels of communication that are used. 对特定事件或组织的公共关系策略的应用给予特别关注.
(Normally offered each semester.)

COMM 3600 Principles of Advertising (3小时)

This broad-based course overviews the history and criticism of advertising, as well as the fundamental aspects of targeting, 定位, 媒体的选择, and creative strategy.
(Normally offered each semester.)

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